Mr. Ali Amin Gandapur (Chief Minister)
The Minerals Development Department is playing a commendable role by introducing and opening new avenues for investments to both local and foreign investors in equivalence; and providing access to a unique regional trade route of historic significance – ...

The Minerals Development Department is playing a commendable role by introducing and opening new avenues for investments to both local and foreign investors in equivalence; and providing access to a unique regional trade route of historic significance – from the Central Asian Republics through the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and to the rest of the world. The new legislative framework, to be followed by the updated operational rules and immediate lifting of the ban on applying online for grant of mineral titles are steps of historic significance, which all deserve great appreciation.


Mr. Ali Amin Gandapur

Chief Minister 

Minerals Development Department

Mutaher Zeb (Secratary Minerals Development)
Current Government is keen to ensure the provision of equitable opportunities and an enabling business environment for both local, international and foreign direct investments. At the heart of such initiatives, the Minerals Development Department (MDD) is play...

Current Government is keen to ensure the provision of equitable opportunities and an enabling business environment for both local, international and foreign direct investments. At the heart of such initiatives, the Minerals Development Department (MDD) is playing a commendable role by introducing a simplification of procedures and the introduction of technology by deploying a Mining Cadastre Portal to bring investors one step closer to the mineral resources of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The Mining Cadastre Portal provides an e-Government platform for all stakeholders in the mineral sector to engage directly with the MDD. The aim of the Portal is to ensure international standards of transparency with an emphasis on improving the ease of doing business in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

Minerals Development Department is committed to introduce international best practices in field of mineral exploration and development of the mineral resources. I am hopeful that by adopting top notch technologies and enabling an investment friendly environment will enhance Investors’ confidence in the mining sector of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. I, reiterate that the vibrant and dynamic team of Minerals Development Department will provide best extension services to the mining aspirant at their door steps.


Mutaher Zeb


Minerals Developed Department

Welcome to Minerals Development Department
The Minerals Development Department of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa plays a pivotal role as the custodian of the province's mineral resources, bearing the responsibility for their development while concurrently managing an array of regulatory functions within the sector. The department operates as an administrative hub (Secretariat) with operational attached departments, including the Directorate General of Mines and Minerals, Inspectorate of Mines, and Commissionerate of Mines and Labour Welfare. This comprehensive structure enables the department to efficiently execute its multifaceted duties. The de....
The Minerals Development Department of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa plays a pivotal role as the custodian of the province's mineral resources, bearing the responsibility for their development while concurrently managing an array of regulatory functions within the sector. The department operates as an administrative hub (Secretariat) with operational attached departments, including the Directorate General of Mines and Minerals, Inspectorate of Mines, and Commissionerate of Mines and Labour Welfare. This comprehensive structure enables the department to efficiently execute its multifaceted duties. The department's core responsibilities encompass the management, development, and regulation of the mineral sector throughout the province. This is achieved through a systematic approach involving licensing, titling, inspections, and welfare regimes. The licensing process ensures that mineral activities are conducted in compliance with established guidelines, promoting responsible and sustainable resource utilization. Titling mechanisms provide legal recognition and protection for stakeholders involved in mineral-related endeavors, fostering a transparent and accountable environment. The Inspectorate of Mines plays a crucial role in conducting inspections to enforce adherence to safety and environmental standards, thereby safeguarding both workers and the ecosystem. Simultaneously, the Commissionerate of Mines and Labour Welfare focuses on ensuring the well-being of laborers involved in mining activities, reflecting a commitment to fostering a safe and fair workplace. By adopting a comprehensive approach that integrates development initiatives with robust regulatory frameworks, the Minerals Development Department aims to strike a balance between resource exploitation and environmental conservation. This approach not only facilitates economic growth but also upholds ethical and sustainable practices within the mineral sector. As the custodian of mineral resources, the department acts as a steward of the province's natural wealth, recognizing the importance of responsible resource management for the benefit of current and future generations. Through continuous improvement and adaptation to evolving industry standards, the department strives to fulfill its mandate, contributing to the socio-economic development of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

Designation Contact / Extension Email Address
Advisor to Chief Minister For Minerals Development +92-91-9210979
Secretary Minerals Development +92-91-9223553
Director General Mines & Minerals +92-91- 9210275
Cheif Commissioner Mines & Labour Welfare +92-91-9211723
Chief Inspector of Mines +92-91-9211404
Additional Secretary Admin +92-91-9223650
Additional Director General Mines & Minerals (Head Quarter) +92-91-9213419
Additional Director General Mines & Minerals (Swat) +92-946-811773
Additional Director General Mines & Minerals (Abbottabad) +92-992-408251
Director Licensing (Swabi, Nowshera & Mardan) +92-91-9213036
Director Licensing (Joint Venture) +92-91-9210701
Director Licensing (South) +92-91-9211038
Director Licensing (Royalty) +92-91-9210198
Director Training +92-91-9211745
Director Exploration +92-91-9211602
Mineralogist Mineral Testing Labortory +92-91-5890902
Director Licensing (Swat) +92-946-811773
Director Licensing (Abbottabad) +92-992-408251
Deputy Secretary Admin +92-91-9223556
Deputy Secretary Admin +92-91-9213900
Deputy Commissioner Mines +92-91-9211723
GIS Manager +92-91-9213775
Deputy Director CDN/Royalty +92-91-9210179
Deputy Director Minerals Centre +92-91-9210191
Deputy Director (Exploration) H/Q +92-91-9212407
Deputy Director GIS HQ Office +92-91-9212413
Deputy Director Planning +92-91-9212404
Section Officer General +92-91-9223558
Section Officer Appeal +92-91-9212279
Section Officer (Establishment) +92-91-9223559
Section Officer (Litigation) +92-91-9223557
Section Officer PIO +92-91-9223558
SPO Minerals Deptt +92-91-9222833
Senior Inspector +92-91-9210815
Assistant Director (CDN) H/Q +92-91-9210244
Assistant Director (Admin) +92-91-9210236
Assistant Director (S&D) +92-91-9211153
Assistant Director Royalty +92-91-9211153
AD Admin (Inspectorate) +92-91-9211746
Assistant Director Khyber +92-91-5820308
Assistant Director Mohmand +92-942-220162
Assistant Director Bannu/Lakki +92-928-624825
Assistant Director North Waziristan +92-966-854605
Assistant Director Mardan +92-939-510023
Assistant Director Swabi +92-938-280334
Assistant Director Chitral +92-943-414697
Assistant Director Dir +92-945-9250159
Assistant Director Timergarah +92-945-9250159
Assistant Director Swat +92-946-811773
Assistant Director Haripur +92-997-300270
Assistant Director Abbottabad +92-992-408251
Assistant Director Malakand +92-932-410759
Assistant Director Kohat +92-922-9260296
Accounts Section H/Q +92-91-9212200
Latest News and Events
Publication of Tender Notice Auction for Royalty in Various Districts will be held on 21-03-2025 11:00 AM at Directorate General Mines and Minerals Office .
Publication of Tender Notice Auction for Royalty in Various Districts will be held on 21-03-2025 11:00 AM at Directorate General Mines and Minerals Office .

Mar 03, 2025
  Publication of Tender Notice Auction for Royalty in Various Districts  Open Auction for Royalty in Various Districts Mentioned in Detail Section.   ...